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Interway expert du SoftPos dans le figaro

Solution SoftPos Interway dans le Figaro

Groupe Interway interviewé dans le journal du Figaro en tant que spécialiste du SoftPos

Julien Inzerillo, Expert Monétique, a été interviewé par le Figaro Partner, dans le cadre d’un dossier spécial sur la révolution SoftPos.
Retrouvez l’article complet ci-dessous :

Le SoftPos : révolution monétique et expertise de Groupe Interway

Julien Inzerillo
Expert Monétique Groupe Interway

L’article sur le site du Figaro

SoftPos : L’offre Interway

interway infogérance

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Westfield deploys lockers via Instore Solution

Le groupe Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield déploie des lockers via InStore Solution


Le groupe URW inaugure son service de click and collect « universel »


Le Groupe Interway est heureux de vous annoncer que le plus grand service de Click and Collect français est à présent disponible au centre commercial Velizy 2!

Après de long mois de collaboration entre notre filiale InStore Solution et notre client FM Logistic, un service « universel » de lockers connectés pour notre partenaire Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield, est opérationnel pour les clients des enseignes du centre commercial comme Auchan France, mais également pour tous les commerces et e-commerçants qui souhaitent bénéficier des avantages de cette solution. Le groupe URW propose désormais une plateforme de retrait d’achats pour toutes les commandes passées en magasin ou en ligne par les clients finaux. Ce nouveau service omnicanal facilite le parcours client et optimise la gestion des colis grâce aux lockers robotisés de Cleveron AS et au locker sur mesure d’Instore Solution.

Ces 3 lockers, situés sur le parking du plus grand centre commercial Français, permettent de stocker plus de 700 colis de tous types tels que :

🧊 Les produits sec, frais et surgelés

📦 Les produits achetés sur internet livrable en colis

🚲 Les produits de taille « hors format » (gros électroménager, meubles, vélos …)

La station est en libre accès 7j/7 et 24h/24 ✔️ press article

« Cette station rassemble tout les styles de produits et tous les types de retailer…
Notre métier en tant que centre commercial était déjà d’agglomérer en un même lieu tous les commerces physiques.  » 

Do you want to know more about our solutions?

Robotized Locker solution video

Robotic lockers by Groupe Interway

Locker robotisé Multiservices – Clic & collect / Consigne

Omnichannel distribution methods, in particular drive and click & collect, are at the heart of retailers' concerns. Groupe Interway confirms its logic of ecosystem serving the uses through its robotic locker solution.
The subsidiary of Groupe Interway, InStore Solution, propose une offre globale, du conseil jusqu’au déploiement et la maintenance de vos solutions Click & Collect.
A personalized turnkey service that improves the customer experience, reduces click & collect operational costs and automates package withdrawals and returns.

Do you want to know more about our solutions?

Phygital customer journey videos by Groupe Interway

Phygital customer journey
by Groupe Interway

Sequence 1/2

The ecosystem of Groupe Interway based on its fundamentals in terms of advice, expertise and services, it offers a unified phygital path to all of its customers, retail players and large institutional or private accounts.
A first video scenario of our ecosystem, here applied to the retail universe, is offered to you in order to offer a unified phygital journey. You will find there a variation of some of our technological fields such as networks (SD-WAN, WAN, LAN, private & public WIFI), the digital payement, the interactive solutions personalized (PLCs, dynamic display, sound system, etc.) all based on a SESAM global service offer (service desk, outsourcing, logistics, deployment, etc.).

This video presents an example of a global Phygital experience:
Click & Collect
Drive to Store
Robotic locker
WiFi: digital platform
Omnichannel electronic banking
Digital showroom

Sequence 2/2

A second video scenario of our ecosystem, here applied to the retail world, is offered to you in order to offer a unified phygital journey.

This video presents an example of a global Phygital experience:
Multiservice terminals
Advised connected
Digital booth
mPOS: payment integrated into the journey

Complete sequence

The ecosystem of Groupe Interway based on its fundamentals in terms of advice, expertise and services, it offers a unified phygital path to all of its customers, retail players and large institutional or private accounts. This video includes all the sequences previously presented.

Do you want to know more about our solutions?

SD-WAN video by Groupe Interway

SD-WAN Video
by Groupe Interway

SD-WAN serving your uses

Interway confirms its logic of network offer at the service of uses through its SD-WAN solutions.
At the heart of this technological revolution, SD-WAN solutions Interway are able to meet your challenges of digitization, decentralization of your applications while offering you maximum control and security.

==> SD-WAN the network concept that supports your digital uses by Interway | 2020 [Commented sequence]

Do you want to know more about our solutions?

McDonald's SD-WAN by Interway

McDonald's SD-WAN
by Interway

Interview with Mr Jean-Bernard Sizaret
Global Technology Manager
McDonald's France

Project: implementation of SD-WAN for McDonald's France

McDonald's is deploying SD-WAN on its 1,500 sites to support the development of its business uses and enable the reliable use of decentralized applications.
SD-WAN is an innovative concept of virtual network integrating many advanced features overlaying the physical network to meet new digital uses.


McDonald's France has always offered innovative services for its customers and employees in its restaurants. The various services and businesses are being digitized to offer our million of daily customers a friendly, fast, efficient and secure service.
We needed an optimized WAN network to support the integration and ensure the proper functioning of all of our current and future solutions.
SD-WAN allows us to gain in reliability and security while guaranteeing the best performance on each of our restaurants according to the technical constraints of each site. The functionalities offered by this new network concept improve our visibility and the functioning of our current applications, and support long-term technological developments in the franchise, in particular the growth of the cloud.


Au-delà des liens (cuivre, fibre, 4G/5G) et de la configuration réseau, nous avions la volonté de nous appuyer sur un opérateur de services managés capable de nous accompagner au mieux sur la transition de notre réseau vers le SD-WAN puis son maintien en condition opérationnelle, son optimisation et l’intégration régulière de nos nouveaux services.

Le renouvellement de notre WAN a été un projet majeur qui a représenté 18 mois de travail.
Les experts de notre DSI ont étudié les réponses de 8 soumissionnaires reconnus dans le domaine des télécoms, ont étudié précisément les propositions lors des soutenances puis ont organisé des recettes en laboratoires, et finalement des POC dans nos restaurants.

Nous avons retenu la proposition d’Interway, à base de la solution de Cisco Meraki, qui répond parfaitement à nos besoins et est en cohérence avec la volonté du groupe McDonald’s de disposer d’une solution technique unifiée à l’échelle mondiale.

Why the choice of Interway?

Beyond the technical solution chosen, we were looking for a partner who would know how to take the precise measure of our business needs and challenges in order to administer and optimize the operation of our applications on a daily basis.
Interway, technically and commercially certified Cisco Meraki, was the first to operate all of our applications and to integrate our various specificities on SD-WAN technology.
Its ability to deploy SD-WAN on each restaurant in a single night and to manage the national deployment of our 1,500 sites in 24 months was decisive since the impact of this major project on the business of our restaurants is minimized.
In addition, Interway guarantees us the best possible connectivity to each of our restaurants by being able to offer multi-operator and multi-technological links.
Interway's expertise and technological mastery combined with the understanding of the uses of our different businesses has made Interway a logical choice to support us on this strategic project and in this new technological era.

A word from Eric Jotti
Managing Director of Groupe Interway

Interway has been operating thousands of IPSEC WAN links for more than 10 years on behalf of its customers and incorporates advanced internally developed features into its solutions that are now natively embedded in its solutions. SD-WAN solutions.
SD-WAN is redistributing the cards on the market and allowing us to compete with incumbent operators. Better still, the proximity that we have with our customers allows us to operate a WAN made to measure for our customers in order to optimize the operation of their applications.
We share our vision of the Telecom world within the CDRT (Club des Dirigeants des Réseaux Télécoms), SD-WAN is an important step in the Telecom revolution. It is the foundation for a comprehensive network approach with centralized end-to-end management of user connection to their applications, encompassing WAN and LAN. We then speak of SD-Branch.
Our DNA drives us to bring maximum value above our technological offers and has led us to integrate into our SD-WAN innovative functionalities, in particular an AI using all network data for a fluid administration and a WAN that self-adapts to user behavior.
We would like to thank McDonald's for the confidence granted and for the quality of the exchanges during all the stages of this large-scale project which confirms the good positioning and maturity of our SD-WAN offer.